It all started Monday with a fire that got out of control. It wasn't that close to us, but we could see the flames all along the hills in front of us. The owner of the Spanish school, Paulette, was quite worried especially as the fire was close to the elementary school that she sponsors. She went over to the area and was able to convince one of the families to come back to the Mariposa, but no one else was willing to leave. Fortunately, no one was hurt and the fire was out by morning. Because of where the fire was, it wasn't possible to get water to the area so the only option was to let the fire burn out.
Just prior to the fire event, we had been in the kitchen learning how to make tortillas and these chee
I'm happy to report that the pigs only escaped once this week, but we had a few other events related to animals. One of the smaller monkeys escaped and we tried to get him back into the cage. Unfortunately, we weren't much help and spent more time keeping the dogs away from him. The other two monkeys were clearly unhappy at his being out, but he eventually figured out how to get back in on his own and he's stayed in ever since.
One of the workers found a rare frog that he brought to the little pond near the kitchen. It looks really neat w

That was the good news with the animals, the bad news was that the two baby woodpeckers that Paulette was trying to rescue died this week. One of them fell into some water and while the staff tried to keep him warm and well fed, he expired after several hours. His little friend didn't last much longer. We're not sure if it's because he missed his friend or if they were just too little to survive to begin with. I wish we had taken some pictures because they were the cutest, little things and in earlier days, quite fun to watch.
In the middle of the week, we went to a nature preserve called the Chocoyero. The reserve is a lovely piece of land where you can walk along a

The next day we went into Managua and what an adventure that was. Managua is a good hour away and on the way to the city, our truck began to experience some trouble with starting. We had to push it a couple of times to get it going, but at the beginning it wasn't too much of a problem. While in Managua, we visited a plaza that has a residence for the President, although he doesn't actually use it, a cathedral that is used for various events and a museum that has rooms devoted to various aspects of Nicaraguan history. The museum was closing when we got there, but they let us stay for a few minutes to look around. After visiting the plaza, we took a short drive down to the shore of Lake Managua. It's a bit of a tourist area with restaurants, etc. and a structure similar to the hatch shell where they have political events. Our last stop was at the top of a hill that gives a nice view of the lake, the city and the crater of an inactive volcano. There's a zipline that goes over the cr

The real fun began on the way home though. We left in the late afternoon just as it was getting dark and rush hour was beginning. The truck stalled just as we were beginning to go up a hill. The guys jumped out and tried to push the truck up the hill while our driver tried to start the engine. After several attempts, we had to stop as we weren't making progress and the guys were exhausted.

Once the taxi arrived, we realized that there weren't enough seats for everyone. So, two people sat up front with the driver, four of us piled into the back (I was on J.B.'s lap) and the guide's son jumped in the trunk. Yes, you read that correctly, he laid in the trunk. The lid was open so he could breathe, but we felt pretty bad for him. Aside from the fact the radio was on loud and the speakers were in the back, we hit a speed bump rather hard at one point. He was really good natured about the whole thing. Meanwhile, one of the guys mixed rum and Cokes which we drank on the way home (not the driver of course) and J.B. entertained us by translating the 70's music that was playing from English into Spanish. We all made it home relatively safe and sound and enjoyed a late dinner. Needless to say, it was quite the adventure.
At the end of the week, we went to the Chanchito restaurant and tried the fresh pork. It's definitely one of those places you need to see at least once. We only sampled the pork, but it was amazing to see the amount of pork that was being cooked in large cauldrons. It's a favorite place for the locals and we were the only foreigners in the place. Before we left, some friends of Paulette's serenaded us on a guitar and J.B. had some laughs with them.
Saturday, we went to Granada. Despite becoming a real touristy place, Granada is still a lovely town. We went to the top of a church and were treated to some great views of the surrounding area.

Sunday was a relatively calm day. A group of us tried riding horses to this little white house that Paulette is renting.

The rest of the day was spent studying and in my case, writing the blog. I can't wait to see what adventures this coming week brings.